Skin Conditions and Psoriasis
The skin is the largest organ of our bodies, although most people don't realize that. (The liver is the second largest organ.) Skin problems such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, shingles, hives, diaper rash, rosacea, and psoriasis are all too common in America. Basically, all these dermatological conditions are caused by what you eat and how you live. Your diet and lifestyle cause these. We Americans are overfed and under-nourished. Everyone has unknown food allergies. Diet and lifestyle treat the CAUSE of your skin problem. Diet and lifestyle are the answer. Unknown food allergies are a major cause. Think “leaky gut syndrome”. Read the article Food Allergies.
People keep looking for Magic Lotions and Magic Creams to cure these problems, but the cause is internal. No Magic Lotion or Potion is ever going to solve your skin condition, especially chronic conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Your skin merely reflects and expresses your internal problems. Skin problems are just the outward manifestation of inner health issues.
You will find three basic lotions in drug stores for allopathic relief of psoriasis- coal tar, salicylic acid, and (rarely) zinc pyrithione. Surprisingly, you don't see vitamin D3 creams offered in the drug stores. We do offer both Skin Cure® spray and cream for the temporary, topical relief of some skin conditions. This contains zinc pyrithione, the same ingredient in Head & Shoulders® shampoo for the last 60 years.
Again, you are never going to cure your psoriasis or other skin problem with some Magic Lotion. Even if you can find one that temporarily keeps your condition under control, you are just covering up the symptom, and ignoring the CAUSE. Americans eat twice the calories they need, eight times the fat they need, twice the protein they need, and an amazing 160 pounds of various sugars they don't need at all every year. We eat a mere 1% whole grains, when we should be eating 50%. We are overfed and undernourished. Then we wonder why we suffer from more diseases than poor people in Third World countries. They simply can’t afford to eat all this junk food. Please read my Macrobiotics for Everyone, and start making better food choices.
Your poor, old, hard working author just went over the last ten years of the world research on psoriasis in Chemical Abstracts, and it came to less than a dozen pages. Yes, that means every medical and scientific journal of any importance on this planet. Less than twelve pages on psoriasis in ten years. Almost nothing whatsoever on diet- the main cause of psoriasis. We eat too much food, too much fat, too much protein, too few whole grains, too little nutrition, too much sugar, and too many refined foods. Yet people endlessly seek Magic Lotions to cure their skin problems. It's never going to happen.
Yes, there are some topical applications that can superficially and temporarily help alleviate skin conditions in some people. These include aloe vera, vitamin D, vitamin E, Oregon grape root (and other berberine containing lotions), various mineral salts, zinc pyrithione, coal tar, salicylic acid, vitamin A or beta carotene, curcumin, S.O.D., Dead Sea salts, and flax oil. Many references to regular vitamin D3 were found both internally and externally. Do not use prescription vitamin D analog creams. Never take prescription drugs to cure your problems. You can’t poison your way to health. The most popular poison in 2021 is still Cosentyx®.
The answer is to make better food choices, take proven supplements, and improve your lifestyle. Read Seven Steps to Natural Health. Start eating whole grains like brown rice, 100% whole grain bread, and whole grain pasta rather than white rice, white bread and white pasta. Stop eating meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy. Take dairy out of your life completely. You'll come to realize natural foods taste much better than refined ones. The American macrobiotic diet is the least allergenic of all. Think "food allergies", and leaky gut syndrome to cure yourself. Read the Good Digestion and Colon Health articles.
Everyone has unknown food allergies, and there are currently no ways to accurately test which foods we are allergic to. That’s right, all the supposed allergy tests are worthless. Conditions like leaky gut syndrome and candiasis cause us to react negatively to common foods. This incompatibility shows up as skin conditions. Some of the most common allergens are dairy products, citrus fruits, peanuts, eggs, chocolate, and poultry. People with candiasis yeast overgrowth cannot tolerate sugar in any form including fruit, fruit juice, maple syrup, and honey. Read the article Food Allergies and Sugar is Sugar to learn more about this.
Good supplements for those over 40 are covered in my books and the article Serious Supplement Program. For people under 40 read the article Supplements for Younger People. Also read my book The Supplements You Need. Hormone balance is also important here. Read the article Balance Your Hormones. A total program of diet and lifestyle will cure your skin problem.
Don't take any prescription drugs. Drop any bad habits like coffee. Get regular exercise. Fast weekly for one day. These are the seven steps you need to get well. Read the article Seven Steps to Natural Health.
You are never going to cure your psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, or other skin problem by slathering on some Magic Something. Prescription drugs are even worse. The cure is internal, not external, and you must eat good, whole, healthy foods. The supplements are very secondary to what you eat, but very powerful in conjunction with good diet. Read the article Good Digestion to strengthen your intestines and cure leaky gut syndrome. Also read the Colon Health article to cure your leaky gut. Diet and lifestyle. All seven steps faithfully. Skin conditions are psychologically and emotionally debilitating was well as physically. You can be free of this.