Pain Medications
People are generally completely uninformed about pain medications. Doctors are almost as completely uninformed. Read this short article and you will know more about pain medicines than any doctor. Pain medication is a blessing for the TEMPORARY relief of pain, or for people who are dying and suffering. All drugs were legal in America for almost 150 years, until the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914. There was not even an age limit! Heroin, morphine, opium, cocaine, amphetamine, hashish, and marijuana were inexpensive, over the counter drugs. Only about 3% of Americans had a dependence problem. They were marginalized people, not criminals. There was simply no reason whatsoever to pass this act. All drugs should be legal for adults. Period. That’s right- all drugs for all adults. Anyone who commits a crime while under the influence of any drug (including alcohol) should get doubled penalties. People with drug problems are medical patients, not criminals. This would put an end to drug cartels, most organized crime, most gangs, and would empty the prisons overnight. One third of the courts would close down, and one third of the criminal lawyers would be out of work as well. Police would be free to arrest real criminals. It would also take all the profit, false allure, and fake glamour out of illegal forbidden drugs. Drug dependence is Boring with a capital B. Countries like the Czech Republic, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, and various cities and states in America that have legalized drug possession have seen a FALL in drug addiction and drug abuse. Years ago Mexico actually legalized oxycodeine and other opiates. They have no opiate epidemic as we do. That's right, any drug legalization results in less drug use, not more. All governments should fully legalize drugs, not mere possession. All drug dealers and cartels would be out of business overnight.
Headache is the leading cause of pain. If you have a headache, or other minor pains, try an ice pack. If that doesn’t help, try a heating pad. One or the other should help you very much. Only real world experience will tell you whether hot or cold helps relieve your pain. Aspirin is not toxic, if you take one or two , and only occasionally. It is simply the acetyl derivative of salicylic acid from willow bark. If you have regular headaches, or other pains, your body is telling you there is a problem you need to address. Americans swill down literally tons of aspirin every year. Change in diet, lifestyle, and class IV laser therapy can often help here.
Countless millions of clueless Americans also swill down acetaminophen like candy. This drug is so toxic, so poisonous, and so dangerous, it should be outlawed. Warning labels are not enough here. Acetaminophen (aka paracetamol) will turn your liver into pudding. This is sold as Tylenol® and Anacin®. Another dangerous poison is ibuprofen. This is sold as Advil® and Motrin®. This is also toxic with many side effects. This should also be outlawed for human or animal use. Naproxen (sold as Alleve®) should also be avoided. Google the side effects of these three to see how toxic they are.
If you have stronger pain, there are only a few good prescription options, and all are natural opiates or opiate derivatives. Codeine 60 mg is not strong, but is effective for low pain. It has a “ceiling”, so if you take, say, 200 mg it will not be any more effective than 60 mg. The most you can take is about 60 mg AM, and 60 mg PM. Codeine is sold over the counter in many countries with no problems at all. The fact it is a prescription drug is ridiculous. It was sold over the counter in America in the 1960s with no problem. Never buy codeine with aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or any other filler. Codeine cough syrup is very effective, and safe for palliative relief. It has little euphoric effect.
Hydrocodone 10 mg is six times stronger than codeine, and much more euphoric. This is just codeine with a hydrogen atom. In 2013 you can finally buy (expensive) Zohydro® without acetaminophen. It is not offered as ER (extended release). Do NOT use Vicodin®, which is full of toxic acetaminophen. Hydrocodone (as Vicodin) was the most commonly prescribed prescription drug of all, by far in America. People are ruining their health with the acetaminophen in Vicodin®. Zohydro®. is very expensive for no reason whatsoever. So, this is not a good choice
Oxycodeine 10 mg is also six times stronger than codeine, and a little more euphoric than hydrocodeine. It is just codeine with an oxygen atom. You get euphoria plus energy. This combination makes it potentially addictive for weak minded people. Most people actually prefer it to morphine due to the added energy. For some reason, this is only sold in a very few countries. This is the most popular pain medication, but is short acting. Believe it or not, this was invented in 1914, and only recently has become so popular. For almost 100 years it just sat on the shelf. Oxycontin® is high dose oxycodeine, up to 160 mg (!) for terminal patients. Percoset® is full of toxic acetaminophen for no valid reason at all. The problem with oxycodeine is that it is short acting for less than 6 hours. The ER version is very expensive for no reason at all. So, this actually make morphine ER the better choice.
Morphine 30 mg was considered the gold standard for pain relief, but most people prefer oxycodeine, due to the enhanced euphoria and feeling of energy. Most of it is sold as 30 mg ER (extended relief), is inexpensive, and lasts for about 12 hours. This makes it the best choice for most people. Morphine is usually given to people with mild to serious pain. Morphine does not work for some people, as they lack the enzyme necessary to metabolize it. Morphine is good for people who do not want the extra energy and euphoria, just pain relief. Using it intra-rectally (or intra-vaginally) is 50% more effective. This route does not work with any other pain medicine except morphine and it's derivatives. Morphine ER 30 mg is the best choice going.
Hydromorphine 4 mg (Dilaudid®), is seven times stronger than morphine. Buy the generic. This is just morphine with a hydrogen atom. It was invented in 1924- and sat on the shelf for almost 100 years. The ER version is irrationally expensive. This is prescribed for mild to serious pain. There is really no basic difference between morphine and hydromorphine except dosage. It is also 50% more effective when used intra-rectally (or intra-vaginally). It's short action makes morphine ER the better choice.
What about heroin (diacetyl morphine) 5 mg itself? This is a fine pain killer, and no more addictive than morphine. This is used in Europe, but not in the U.S. It makes no sense at all to outlaw heroin as a pain medication. The only problem is that it cannot be taken orally. That does make it impractical. Never inject any drug unless you are in the hospital emergency room. Use opiates orally. Heroin has been demonized for no reason at all. The fact it must be injected makes it very impractical however. DMSO solutions are not allowed unfortunately.
Oxymorphine aka oxymorphone 5 mg (Opana®) is similar to hydromorphine, and about six times stronger. This is just morphine with an oxygen atom. This has also been available for almost 100 years. It is not used more, as even the generic version is extremely expensive for no reason at all. 50% more effective when used intra-rectally (or intra-vaginally).
Opium tincture is known as Paregoric®, but it very diluted and weak. Opium powder is not used in America for pain, and concentrated opium (Pantopon®) is almost never used. There are too many harmful alkaloids in any opium formulation to use safely. You do not want to take these alkaloids. Paregoric is sold over the counter in some countries with no problems at all. It was legal in America until the 1960s.
What about the synthetic non-opiate drugs like Tramadol®, Demerol®, fentanyl, methadone, ketamine, buprenorphine, and propoxyphene? Tramadol® is weak and toxic. Demerol® is very effective, but more toxic than real opiates. Fentanyl is best used as an anesthetic for surgery. Patches are available. The Russians use it as a military aerosol to incapacitate crowds. (The problem is many people die when it is used that way.) Methadone is very toxic, and should not be used. Ketamine is an anesthetic drug with psychedelic properties. The expensive, hard to find ketamine patches do not cause any disorientation however. Propoxyphene (Darvon®) is toxic and has been outlawed. Buprenorphine is an anti-narcotic. The patches are used for serious 24 hour pain relief..
This leaves morphine, Dilaudid, and oxycodeine for most people. Longer lasting relief may require morphine ER. This is a short but effective list. Do not let the doctor, in his lack of information, dictate your pain management. Demand real opiates with no fillers.
For pet lovers, the same is true for our beloved companions. Codeine is weak and rather ineffective. This again leaves oxycodeine, morphine, and Dilaudid as the only real choices. Most veterinarians are not well educated here generally, and will give your beloved pet ineffective Tramadol® and other such drugs. Demand proper pain medication if your pet needs it, and find a new vet if he won't do it. Some pets cannot metabolize morphine. Vets will NOT write a prescription for your pet, as many owners will take the drugs themselves, and not give them to their pets! Can’t blame them.
All the above refers to short term use in minimal doses. With regular, long term use this picture changes totally. The side effects are terrible over time. Higher and higher doses are required, with less and less effect. Your entire digestion system is destroyed from one end to the other. Men become hopelessly impotent. Women lose their libido. Normal sleep is impossible. Chronic coughs are normal. Skin conditions arise. Headaches become regular. There is a long list here of serious problems with long term use even in the smallest of doses. Opiates are for temporary use and for the terminal.
The drugs laws have turned America, and most of the whole world, into police states. America has less than 5% of the world population, but 25% of the world prison inmates!!! One third of American prisoners are locked up for drugs. The drug laws make pharmacists, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies rich. Opiates would literally cost no more than candy bars if legalized. Like in Mexico now. Again, pain medication is for the TEMPORARY relief of suffering, unless you have an incurable chronic condition, or are terminal. You need to be educated about pain relief because most doctors certainly aren't. In 2020 opiate addiction has taken over most American cities. The "solution" of course has been to put more people in prison. The real solution would be to legalize all drugs for all adults. The War on Drugs has increased drug use exponentially, and turned this country into a police state. The fake "Opioid War" is just another way to turn America into even more of a police state and lock more people up.