Non-Biography of Roger Mason - Roger Doesn't Matter - The complete unimportance of what's his name.
People write, call and e-mail to Young Again and ask, “Who is this Roger Mason, and what are his credentials?” Who cares who he is? "What are his credentials?"!! Who cares?
Well, your author is completely and totally unimportant. Young Again exists for you; it is a public service, a “calling”. The main website is not for profit, and our free library is purely educational. The Young Again Foundation trust is for libertarian philanthropy. The profits from the website go to the trust. He is merely the messenger for the books, columns, radio shows, and TV “educationalmercials”. He sold all rights to radio and TV in 2011. Roger has no credentials at all, and never graduated from Harvard or Yale. The Universal Wisdom chose him to do more research on natural health than anyone else in the world to tell everyone how to get well and stay well naturally. No one else exposes the best selling nutritional scams such as chondroitin, lycopene, astaxanthin, resveratrol, and the rest.
He “preaches the gospel of natural health”, and his sermon is HEAL YOURSELF, and be your own doctor. Be your own doctor. Take responsibility for your health. Look in the mirror and you’ll see the only person who can help you. Roger is a non-doctor with non-patients. These non-patients cure themselves of “incurable” illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease by natural means. Cure illnesses naturally, extend your lifespan, and improve the quality of your life by DIET, proven supplements, natural hormone balance, exercise and fasting, refusing medications and ending any bad habits. These are the Seven Steps to Natural Health.
There are ten books so far:
The Natural Prostate Cure
Macrobiotics for Everyone
Natural Health for Women
Testosterone Is Your Friend
Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs
The Minerals You Need
What Is Beta Glucan?
The Natural Diabetes Cure
The Supplements You Need
Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs
These are the most researched, comprehensive, effective, and complete books on their subjects in the world by far. Research is the “secret” to finding the facts about natural health and natural cures. The only reason his name is on them is so you’ll know who wrote them. The only reason you see his aging (77 in 2023) face in the back of the books, is because it is good practice in the publishing industry to do this, so the reader can connect more closely with the author.
You can get our weekly health newsletter for free at
There are 150 articles in our free library, and you’ll get a good laugh out of most of them. No one else in this industry exposes the frauds and hucksters like this. Yes, old Rog practices what he
preaches, eats an American macrobiotic diet, two meals a day, fasts weekly, walks three miles a day, works out hard three days a week, takes sixteen supplements, has his hormones balanced, doesn’t take Rx drugs, and ended any bad habits. He and Ivey live simply and modestly. Poor (ha!) old (true) Rog went over endless abstracts from Chemical Abstracts SciFinder for over 30 years.. It’s all about the research folks. It is not about credentials, degrees, vanity, profits, or self-aggrandizement.
In 2011 Roger and Ivey "retired" and sold Beta Prostate® to New Vitality. They formed the Young Again Foundation. This is a pure 501c3 charitable trust dedicated to libertarian causes, dog shelters, and whatever else we find worthy. The trust takes no donations, has no property, and pays no salaries. A real charitable trust in other words. We give away our own money.
This work is about telling people the scientific facts about natural health, holistic healing, life extension, and natural lifestyle. It is all about research. It is about research and accurate information, not personalities and credentials. It is not about profit or making money. Instead of looking for degrees and credentials, please look at YOURSELF and take responsibility for your own life and health. No one can cure you but yourself. The so-called holistic, complimentary, life extension, and naturopathic doctors are just as ignorant as the traditional medical doctors. People who walk in darkness always seek the next Magic Supplement, Magic Treatment, and Magic Doctor to help them. They won’t take responsibility for their illness and cure themselves. No one else can cure you, but you can certainly cure yourself. Take responsibility for your life and for your health. Be your own doctor.
Follow the article Seven Steps to Natural Health. Also read Be Your Own Doctor. Health is real wealth and without good health you have nothing.