Mike Adams the Health Danger
This started out as a simple article exposing Adams as a know nothing about both natural health and the political/economy situation. The more you read, the more you see. He is a lifetime scam artist, and has been at this game for a long time. It gets a lot more complex folks, a lot more complex. He calls himself the “Health Ranger”, and runs the Natural News and Brighteon websites. Now he is a fake “patriot”. The problem is he knows nothing at all about health, natural or otherwise. He waffles about the world situation. He advertises and sells a lot of junk supplements on his site as well. That’s always the proof.
Did you know Natural News is based offshore in Taiwan? As Truth Publishing aka New Target dot com. He lives in that backwater sh*thole Ecuador (sometimes). He tells people to emigrate and move down there to, "enjoy the good life"! He has owned a long list of scam websites including hoodiafactor.com, pharmawatch.info, healthfactor.info, etc. etc. At the fake Consumer Wellness Center he was selling scam search engine and spam software. He was selling his worthless Health Intelligence Files for $995. He claims 7 million views a month. Good luck with that number. He is married to a Chinese woman although he is white. The real issue is his readers are naive low I.Q. morons. All quantity and no quality at all whatsoever. Wikipedia and Quackwatch expose him as a total charlatan with 47 citations.
In March 2020 the moron was telling people the Covid virus hoax was "real", and threatened the very existence of humanity! He criticized the patriotic people who were exposing the NWO plannedemic, pretendidemic scam. Then, strangely enough, he made a 180 degree turn, and is exposing the entire Covid-1984 Death Vaccine hoax. Better late than never Mike. As of 2021 he operates Brighteon.
He probably does get a million hits a month from stupid people. He is highly ranked on Alexa. This is more proof that to be popular, you just have to tell people what they want to hear. There is no shortage of stupid people to go to websites like his. In 1999 he opened Y2K Newswire to swindle people. He sold them fake Y2K protection under a pseudonym. Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 knew Y2K was a non-event. In 2011 he said Fukushima would poison the world with radiation. Of course, he sold fake cures like potassium iodide to protect you from non-existent "dangers". Fukushima was proven to be an almost non-event. In 2014 he offered a fake herbal remedy to cure the fake Ebola virus scamdemic. No comment needed on that. In 2007 he promised to open a 501c3 non-profit charity to help pregnant women. Nutrition for Expectant Mothers (NFEM) never opened of course. Now he says donations will be used for humanitarian work. Why does the loser need your money? Why doesn’t he have his own?
He is a pseudo-libertarian, and is against vaccines and GMO foods. That’s an extremely short list of attributes. He hangs out with disinformation agent Alex Jones. He’s been on the Dr. Oz TV show (read the article Dr. Oz is in the Ozone.) He has a fake closet sized analytical lab, and pretends to be a legitimate scientist. He claims it is a, “university level laboratory”. He calls it the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. He also claims to have a college degree, but refuses to tell people where he got it! Seriously, he refuses to name the college he never went to.
Adams should be in jail for the very overpriced garbage he sells to fools. He’s big on total crap like chorella, spirulina, colloidal silver, astxanthin, coconut oil, chia seeds, whey protein, beet powder, bee pollen, hemp, maca root, MSM, cocoa, whey, and kombucha. He has new junk all the time. He has really pitiful paid ads on his site as well. He pushes Dr.Brownsteins Actalin® junk thyroid supplement. He'll sell you 1 oz. of "Nascent" Iodine for only $35.95. He is very vague about proper diet, and not clear at all about what you should eat and not eat. He's a carnivore personally and loves to eat meat and dairy foods. He sells a $20 bottle of 60 X 100 mg CoQ10 for $50!!!
He’s so stupid he thought Sandy Hoax was a real mass murder. He said Adam Lanza did it because he was on psychotropic drugs. Well, Adam had been dead for years, and no one was killed at Sandy Hoax. In fact, the school had been closed and the building condemned for years. Fetzer’s book No One Died at Sandy Hook exposed this fully.
He is right in line with the neocons, and wants endless wars in the Mideast. He demonizes Putin and Russia, and wants nuclear war yesterday. He said the fake zika virus might go pandemic and kill millions. The zika virus has been around for decades, and was another non-event. He blamed this on, "genetically modified mosquitoes". What a nut case!
To cure erectile dysfunction in men, Mike recos foti, horny goat weed, ginseng, detox, arginine, biotin, cayenne, vitamin E, no alcohol, gingko, and a “natural diet”. That certainly defines stupid. What is a “natural diet”? Meat is natural, Dairy is natural. Sugar is natural .Eggs are natural. Poultry is natural. Now go read Male Sexual Dysfunction at www.youngagain.org to see how to really cure ED with diet and lifestyle. He sells overpriced organic coffee, and tells you coffee is a health food (read the Caffeine is Poison article). Opium, cocaine, and morphine must be health foods as well. Google “Mike Adams Health Ranger fraud” and you’ll get a goldmine.
A lot of time and effort went into this short article, for the simple reason there is a mountain of evidence on the Internet exposing this quack. Why waste any more time on someone like this? It’s all about money for Mike, and he dreams of being rich. P.T. Barnum would just love him.