Lose Weight


There are four basic reasons for being overweight. Genetics is a minor factor here. Look at any movie or TV show before 1970 if you doubt that. Obesity was rare about 50 years ago.

1) Poor food choices.

2) High blood sugar/insulin.

3) High E1 and E2 (and low E3 in women)

4) Low T3 and or T4- this includes subclinical (low in range).


1) Just make better food choices. Make better food choices and you'll never be  hungry. Americans have the cheapest and most plentiful food on earth. This is one reason we are the fattest people on earth. Throughout history affluence has always resulted in obesity and poor health. We only spend about 10% of our income on food, and eat like royalty. Go to any other country, and you will see how expensive food is compared to the average paycheck. Only in America, do we eat like kings and queens for 10% of our income. The American empire is collapsing, and this will all end. Soon we’ll be paying 30% of our income for food, like everyone else.

It's not possible to eat much less food, as the hunger instinct is stronger than the reproductive instinct. However, we can eat less CALORIES by making better food choices. You can go all your life without sex, but try to go 24 hours without food. Calorie restriction is based on better food choices, not going hungry. Read the article Live Longer for Free. Will power is an illusion, and hunger will overpower the best of intentions. Is it really possible to eat all you want and actually lose weight? Yes, it is. Just make better food choices. Read Dean Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less, Terry Shintani's The Hawaii Diet, or The Good Carbohydrate Revolution, Susan Powter's Stop the Insanity, Gary Null's Get Healthy Now, or  my Macrobiotics for Everyone. Read any book on macrobiotics. It's not how much you eat- it's what you eat. DON'T EAT FAT! Fat has almost twice the calories of protein or carbohydrates. Fat, not food per se, makes you fat. Many rural Asians, like in China, actually eat more food than we do, but have no obesity problem. They eat less actual calories. Yes, they work more physically, but they eat grains, vegetables, beans, seafood, and fruits basically. Animal products are only a small portion of their diet, as they just cannot afford them. They simply cannot afford to eat rich, fatty animal foods. Urban Asians are more affluent, and tend to adopt Western foods- and get fatter.

2) High blood sugar and/or insulin levels. You must have a fasting blood sugar level of 85 mg/dl or less. You must have a fasting insulin level of about 5-6. High blood sugar and insulin cause you to be hungry and eat too much. You can also get an HbA1c kit at any drug store to check your "glycation". You want a 4.7% result, and not the usual 5.6%. This equals an 85 blood sugar level. You can also see a doctor for a GTT (glucose tolerance) test to see how you react to a cup of glucose. You want to be 10 points below the official figure. Stop eating all sugars, sweets, fruit juice, and sugar substitutes. Read the articles Sugar is Sugar and Sugar Substitutes. Also refined grains will raise your levels. No white rice, white bread, white pasta, etc.

3) High estrogen levels make you hungry and retain calories as fat. High E1 (estrone) and E2 (estradiol) will make you eat all the time and retain everything you eat. You want low bottom range on both. Low E3 (estriol) in women will do the same. 100% of obese women have low E3. Read the articles Estrogen in Men and Women, Estriol in Women, and Estriol Helps Women  Lose Weight to learn more. Overall hormone balance is also vital here. Balance your other basic hormones, especially if you are over 40. This would include melatonin, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, T3 and T4. Growth hormone is an overrated, very expensive vanity. Remember that all our hormones work together in harmony as a team, so all of them should be tested and balanced as much as possible. Read the Balance Your Hormones article. This is easy, simple, cheap, and requires no doctor.

4) Low T3 and/or T4 will make you hungry, eat too much, and retain all you eat. Read the Thyroid Health article in our library. you can test this at www.walkinlabs.com cheaply without a doctor. You must be midrange, and not merely in range. Most doctors are too dumb to know this. If the range is, say, 2-6, you want to be a 4. Just add high and low and divide by 2.

Remember that diet is everything. Your basic staple is whole grains. Learn to use whole grains as your staff of life. Beans are also a staple food. Most vegetables (no Nightshades though) are a staple. Good soups and salads. You can eat 10% seafood if you like. You can eat 10% local (not tropical) fruits as well. No more meat, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. These four food groups make you fat.

A one day fast every week on water from dinner to dinner will give you 52 fasts every year. This will give your digestive system a much needed rest every week, get the toxins and poisons out of your system, and allow your body to strengthen any weaknesses. Fasting is the most powerful healing method known to man. Yes, you can easily fast for 24 hours every week. Read the  fasting article under F. Healthy digestion is important. Weak digestion per se can cause weight gain. Read the articles Good Digestion and Colon Health. You need strong digestion.

Take proven supplements like beta glucan, vitamins, minerals, vitamin D, vitamin E, lipoic acid, flax oil, sulforaphane, CoQ10, NAC, glucosamine, PS, acidophilus and FOS. Do not take prescription drugs, as they unbalance the body. Drop any bad habits such as desserts, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or recreational drugs. Caffeine will raise your blood sugar and  insulin levels. Marijuana is famous for increasing appetite. Eat only two meals a day. You don't need three. Americans eat twice the calories they need. Eat a bowl of hot soup  before your dinner. This will dimin­­­ish your appetite. Take your lunch to work or school. Don't eat out much at all. Eat at Asian restaurants when you do.

You can lose weight by taking dangerous stimulants like amphetamine, cocaine, and ephedrine, but you'll end up a nervous wreck from doing so. No prescription drug for weight loss has any value. Diet and lifestyle are the answer to lifelong slimness. No diet aids work; always remember that. Stomach stapling and stomach bands are outright insanity.

You must exercise to stay slim. Ideally you want to join a gym and go three days a week. Having a home gym usually doesn't work. Walking is a great exercise. Running and jogging can cause joint and ligament damage. A combination of aerobic and resistance exercise is best. Exercise raises your beta endorphin levels, which make you feel good all the time.

You can go on a ketogenic or Atkins/Paleolithic/Mercola diet, and eat no grains, beans, or other carbohydrates. You’ll suffer from the disease condition "ketosis"- which the diet is named after. When a diet is named after a pathological condition, doesn't that tell you something? A high fat diet of meat, poultry, egg, and dairy products will promote cancer, diabetes, heart and artery disease, and early mortality. Anyone who goes on a ketogenic diet has a death wish in the first place, and no common sense at all. The same is true for gluten free diets. Read the Gluten Free Insanity and Wheat Baloney articles.

What can do you? You can MAKE BETTER FOOD CHOICES- that's what you can do. Americans eat twice the calories they need, twice the protein, eight times the fat, and 160 pounds of various sugars. We live off of red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, milk, white bread, white pasta, white rice, white flour, chemicals, coffee, alcohol, and an endless array of junk food. Women only need about 1,200 calories daily, and men about 1,800. That isn't much is it? That's all we need to be healthy and happy biologically. We only need about 15% protein and 5% fat calories for ideal health. We wonder why we lead the world in coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension. and almost every form of cancer. The answer is obvious. You can eat all you want and never be hungry, and never have to deny yourself if you simply MAKE BETTER FOOD CHOICES. Your food can be fun, tasty, creative, delicious, and satisfying if you'll just eat whole natural foods and learn some basic recipes from cookbooks. You do not have to deny yourself or go hungry at all.

Again, eat only two meals a day rather than three. We don't need three meals a day. Eating three meals a day is totally unnecessary. Breakfast is not "your most important meal", and you can do without it completely. Or you can eat breakfast and skip lunch every day. Get international cook-books, and see how easy it is to make delicious, highly flavored vegetables. You can actually eat more, enjoy your meals immensely, and lose weight, while never going hungry and eating all you want, if you just MAKE BETTER FOOD CHOICES. Please read my book Macrobiotics for Everyone, and you'll see how you can enjoy your food, eat all you want and stay slim and healthy. The secret to calorie restriction is making better food choices, not eating less food.

The last thing to do is print out the article Seven Steps to Natural Health in our library. Do all seven steps with no excuses. Diet is everything. Diet, supplements, hormones, exercise, fasting, no Rx drugs, and end any bad habits. Slim people live longer and live better. Quality of life is everything.

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