Cholesterol IS Longevity

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the biggest killer of all by far around the world. At least half of us will suffer from heart disease as we age. The most important of all diagnostic factors is your total cholesterol level. Nothing else is more important than this. The realistic ideal is 150 mg/dl. The five CHD diagnostic factors are cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, CRP, and uric acid. You must test all five of these.  People with low cholesterol levels around 150 mg/dl live longer, are healthier, have a better quality of life, and suffer from less overall disease. This is a realistic level to look for. The commonly accepted level of 200 or less doesn't work. The average American adult actually has an average level of about 240!! Why? Because we eat 42% fat calories, and most all of these are artery clogging, saturated animal fats. We should be eating 15% or less fat calories from vegetables. Our triglycerides should be under 100. We have the highest rates of CHD in the world, along with the Scandinavian countries. The Asian countries have the lowest. The charlatan newsletter doctors (Mercola, West, Sinatra, etc.) who tell you, "cholesterol doesn't count" are quacks and should all be in prison.

The biggest, most important human studies always come to the same conclusion- low cholesterol levels  mean a longer and healthier life. People with low cholesterol levels rarely have heart attacks. A review in the Annals of Internal Medicine (v 90, 1979) of the major cholesterol studies proves this. The Framingham Study is the largest such research in the world, and proves low cholesterol equals good health and longevity. So do endless other studies such as the MRFIT Study and Seven Countries Study. The research is there, and is inarguable. Read my book Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. This is the most researched, effective, comprehensive, and powerful book on cholesterol and heart/artery health ever written. Why? Because of the endless research that went into it.

How do we know all this is true? Epidemiological studies are the best, where entire populations are studied. Rural Asians generally have total cholesterol levels of about 150. The rural Okinawans are the healthiest and longest lived people on the planet. They eat less than 15% fat calories, nearly all from vegetables, and have cholesterol levels of about 150 on the average and triglyceride levels well under 100. They also have low homocysteine, CRP, and uric acid.

Most Americans with high cholesterol run to the doctor for ineffective, toxic statin drugs. They destroy your liver and have no benefits whatsoever. They falsely lower your cholesterol with chemical trickery. There are serious side effects, and they do not lengthen your life at all. In fact, they make your health worse.

Besides eating 42% animal fat, what other factors cause CHD and short life? We are overfed and undernourished. We eat 1% whole grains, when we should be eating 50% whole grains. We eat twice the calories we need. We eat twice the protein we need. We eat 160 pounds of various sugars we don't need at all. We are mineral deficient. We take more prescription drugs than anyone else in the world. Read the article Most Medicated Nation. We have an inordinate intake of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and recreational drugs. Our stress level is thru the roof. Stop eating meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. These four foods are the reason you have high cholesterol. Eat a whole grain based diet. Diet is everything. Eat two meals a day. Take your lunch to work. Join a gym, or walk your dog every day. Stop taking prescription drugs. Trying to lower your cholesterol with statin drugs just makes you worse, not better. Take the 18 proven supplements. Balance your basic hormones inexpensively without a doctor. Fast every week from dinner to dinner. Drop any bad habits like coffee. Read the Seven Steps to Natural Health article). For six months you can take citrus pectin. For six months you can do the Rejuvenate Your Liver program with TMG. The liver is central to cholesterol balance. The answer is diet and lifestyle as always. Please read my book Macrobiotics for Everyone.  Also read my book Lower Blood Pressure Without DrugsHypertension is the most common medical condition in the world. These are free to read at People with genetically high cholesterol can still do wonders with diet and lifestyle.

People who tell you, "cholesterol doesn't count" are nuts! They even go so far as to tell you, "low cholesterol is dangerous". Of course they tell you to eat meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products instead of healthy whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and seafood.

CHD is the biggest killer of all around the world. Cholesterol is the most important diagnostic indicator. Diet and lifestyle are the way to have low cholesterol and avoid heart and artery disease. Health is real wealth folks. Without it we have nothing. We only get one life, so why not live long and be happy and healthy.

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